Merry Christmas "Love"

"Unconditional Love"...
I cannot tell you how many children and adults I have worked with who literally overcame their symptoms because they discovered a force of "Love" that helped them see through a "new set of eyes."
Sometimes that force of "Love" comes in a kind, still, small voice...
Sometimes "Love" comes in the form of a human who walked beside them in the hardest moments of life...
Sometimes "Love" is the blanket that surrounds them at night and makes them feel safe and warm...
Sometimes "Love" is in the warm bath water that washes the pain away...
Sometimes "Love" is the little puppy dog that never leaves your side...
Sometimes "Love" comes as a memory of a loved one who loved you no matter what you did wrong...
Sometimes "Love" is the sun beam that shines in the window when you feel like hope is gone...
Sometimes "Love" comes in the form of a teacher when you don't feel safe at home...
Sometimes "Love" comes in the sound of a chirping bird that reminds you that you are not alone...
Sometimes "Love" is the "B" you received on your test that made you feel smart, even though the kids at recess called you mean names...
Sometimes "Love" is the smile you got from a stranger when you felt that no one really cared...
As humans, we see almost everything with physical eyes but when you begin to see with the "heart," you will never be the same.
We are not alone. We have never been alone. And we will never be alone.
When you understand that the force of "Love" is as real as the air you breathe into your lungs, your "eyes" will change forever.
This Christmas try to see with a new "set of eyes"...
Start listening, feeling, seeing, and touching everything with your "heart"...
Look for those moments that make you feel joy and peace. That is "Love." Love is there.
Look for the smile on a child's face or feel the sunbeam in the windshield of your car. That is "Love." Love is there.
Look for the goodness in people and the kind words they speak that make your heart feel warm. That is "Love." Love is there.
Feel the safety within your blanket and pillow when you lay down at night. That is "Love." Love is there.
Listen for the sounds of children playing and being free. That is "Love." Love is there.
Listen for that thought that says, "It's going to be okay".... That is "Love." Love is there.
"Love" is patient. "Love" is kind. Love is endless and knows no bounds.
Just as a tiny candle can light up a dark room, "Love" can bring joy and peace to your heart and help you feel free.
"Love" is just have to "see."
Where have you found "Love?"
Where is "Love" at right now for you?
I hope you each have a wonderful holiday and find "Love" in ways that you have never known before!
Merry Christmas "Love"